Saturday, December 24, 2011

A paragraph about User Experience in iOS

Usability and user experience of an application, irrespective of its nature or the platform on which the application runs, should be taken into account at very early stages of designing process. When it comes to mobiles, this issue becomes even more important due to the limitations of the device which the application is being designed for. One of the most important aspects in this matter is the structure of the application and the fact that every type of UI controller should be used as it is expected and defined by iOS UX paradigm. Second issue to consider is providing proper and enough feedback for users. iOS has got a wide range of controls for this matter. The expectations and standards of using these controls are fully discussed in “iOS Human Interface Guidelines”. Finally, it is expected from a well-designed application to be able to operate gracefully when limited conditions are applied and to be able to recover itself from interruptions, which are very likely to occur. 

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