Saturday, December 24, 2011

A paragraph about Unit Testing in Objective-C

Unit testing is fairly easy as iPhone Unit Testing framework, which is based on OCUnit, is fully integrated with Xcode and can be used on iPhone Simulator. Apart from being fully integrated with development environment, it is also important to point out that OCUnit covers almost all the aspects that seem to be necessary for unit testing. For example, it can be tested if the output of a method is as expected, if a method throws a specific exception when it should, or if a method ends without being interrupted by exceptions. All of these are implementable in the same way which is appreciable in comparison with for instance JUnit that different approaches are needed to test different conditions. In regards to unit testing in iOS, there are a few other frameworks, some of which seem to be very powerful and interesting. For example, GHUnit which allows testing of UI components and CATCH (C++ Adaptive Test Cases in Headers) as a modern unit test framework, are main priorities.

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